Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday nights alright for fighting

This is me just last night on facebook, pointing out what a sucker I am for letting my dog get up on the table to be with me as I work on my laptop. 

annnnnd this is our little demon terrier in big trouble for jumping up onto the table to get her treats---while we were gone--for two hours. thank god she didn't eat the little packet of poison they put in to keep things fresh. And of course it had to be an expensive bag of treats. Someone is going to bed without dinner---not that it'll make much difference. lol. this is what i get for being a sucker. I guess mommy won't be a giant doofus and leave the treats on the table anymore! And we'll be pushing chairs IN from now on. 

This is sad face baby trying to snuggle up to daddy (who's ignoring her) because mommy is upset with her. Bad baby! but of course I won't be upset with her for long because I'm a giant SUCKER! :o)


  1. The face on the last picture is just too much--reminds me of my little pampered Boston baby. My husband says our's super cuddling ability is the saving grace.

  2. they all make the same faces don't they! I love watching videos on youtube of boston's getting in trouble. TOO CUTE!!


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