About the Author

I, affectionately known as "mommie," am one of Fiona's humans. Artist, writer, motivationally-paralyzed makeup-artist and creative being, I record our daily moments. It wasn't until we brought Fiona into our lives that I realized how pure and self-less love could be. In the blink of an eye, to go from 'just the 2 of us' to suddenly loving this little being SO MUCH, was and still is very intense. Yesterday she wasn't a part of our lives and now she's one of the most important parts. Today I can honestly say I don't remember what it was like before she arrived. She is our little soul mate and thats what has inspired me to keep this daily journal of tid-bits. A small window into our love affair with this little wonder.

When I say we I mean myself and Fiona's other human, daddy. Sometimes called, "not-the-momma," but properly noted as Kevin.

I'm certain that some people think writing a dog blog is stupid. I know some people think I'm the crazy dog-lady. Care not do I !!!! Like thousands out there right now, I am unemployed. I've been looking for a job since October of 2010. And in this down trodden economy I need a pick-me-up. There's nothing wrong with practicing my writing and posting smiles everyday. So "those" people can shove it.
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