I've never been a huge fan of retractable leashes, especially one's with a rope cord. In terms of communicating with your dog, I feel they are very confusing and limitless. Not to mention dangerous. When we purchased this particular model, I was shocked to read in the directions that one could loose a finger if not operated correctly. WHAT??? yes. It appears that if the leash is out of control while attached to your dog and a finger gets caught in a loop, if fast enough, it can chop your finger off. not cool....to say the least.
And now I can honestly say I may be against these full stop. Last week, during our evening walk, Fiona was out ahead of us on the leash. Suddenly, as Boston's do, she launched into full wild dog mode and started to run laps around Kevin. Even though I had locked the leash, she already had plenty of rope at her disposal. "OW!! OW!! Ropeburn!!!!" he yelled. At first I thought he was just being a baby but when I looked down I saw two raw lines of flesh on both shins. Just awful.
I think we'll be looking for a new leash soon. Or perhaps we'll try the retractable - 1/2 inch tether leash. That way at least we can eliminate cord ropeburn!
I really like a harness for my dog--he doesn't pull, I don't hurt is neck and it works as a seat belt when we go in the car. Those leash burns look awful!